Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Godzilla Dream - Godzilla versus Megaguiris

My Godzilla dream.

Godzilla vs. megaguiris

I was in Nagoya minding my own business. Suddenly BOOM BANG AHHHHHHHHHH. A giant alien monster creature invader smashed buildings and crushed cars. It was megaguiris. It revealed its secret plan; her galaxy reactor on earth will cause earth to fall giving birth to the new earth. Her rule will last 100; 000 years with earth’s protector, Godzilla. Just like bowser planed to do that in super Mario galaxy with princess peach. Godzilla then rises from the surface of the sea. Godzilla wasn’t going to allow the queen off the meganula to wreck destruction on earth so he challenges her to a final battle.

That battle took place back in 1954. Meganula lands on the ground preparing to battle her archenemy. Last time Godzilla battled her normally with atomic ray attacks but Godzilla won’t fall for her fire ball traps this time. He uses new attacks between his atomic breath fires new moves that bowser used in the 2nd and final bowser level of super Mario galaxy bowser’s dark matter and galaxy reactor dark spins shock waves boulder attacks shell assaults fire balls and jumps. Megaguiris starts the battle by firing missiles from her mouth yet again just like in 1954. Godzilla starts pepping the ground with dark spin attacks instead of 3 he does 120 spins after ripping out the 120th dark spin.

He starts unleashing shock waves across the ground 1000 waves to be exact. Then he attracts pieces of the buildings turning him self into a super mega giant boulder rolling towards megaguiris. The boulder’s powerful move hits megaguris’s wings destroying one wing. Greeeeeeeee gllllleeeeeeeeeeee gaggggggggggg geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grea roared megaguiris in pain of her wing falling off. Godzilla then transforms into the giant king of the koopas BOWSER I murmured. Ha ha ha ha he laughed this ends now mega guris he said collapsing into his shell rolling towards megaguiris perpetrating and wounding him with his spikes bowser turned back into Godzilla. Ruoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar roared megaguiris BAM Godzilla now needs to hit him one more time to stop megaguris’s planet ruling scheme. His atomic ray blast is so hard that megaguiris is flown into her reactor exploding it blew up too exploding the blast is strong that Nagoya blew up. Godzilla shielded me from the blast that destroys all of Nagoya and that fabric of earth. The end

Based on Final Boss Battle in Super Mario Galaxy final ending.

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