Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ultraman versus Ragon

A rocket loaded with bombs was on its way to Mars to do some testing. Bang! Something went wrong with the rocket and crashed into the sea making a giant wave. Meanwhile the science patrol checked what happened.

Ide said "The rocket was going to Mars, but it crashed into the sea."

"But How?" I said.

Ide continued. "If the bomb explodes in Tokyo, it will cause lots of damage."

Then Fuji came in. "I am going to take a vacation with Hoshino."

Suddenly a huge wake approached the ship. Out of the water came Ragon. He roared just like the 1954 Godzilla. The man shouted "There's the bomb!"
Ragon began to sink the ship.

The next morning ide came in "Good news. A man survived the ship sinking last night."

"Then go see the man at the hospital" I said.

So Ide went to the hospital in the Corvair to see the man. When he got there the man told him what happened.

"it... got... closer... to... the... ship."

"What was it?" Ide Asked.

"A...white...wake." The man said catching his breath.

"Don't move," said the nurse.

Ide went downstairs to tell me. He radioed h-q.

"Yes" I said.

"The man saw a huge wake" ide said.

"Well, the huge wake is moving away from the area where the ship sank. It was seen in Chiba."

"I'll be in Chiba" said Ide.

Meanwhile Fuji and Hoshino are on vacation and are playing tennis. And a little girl is in the lifeguards chair. And this little girl is hungry. So Fuji and Hoshino take her to the Fuji Modern Hotel. They see the huge wake.

"Yes," I said.

"We have seen the huge wake." Fuji said.

"Oh, I see." I said. "the wake has changed its direction. Well Fuji. I want you to evacuate and take everybody out of the hotel."

So the evacuation began. Then Ragon emerges from the sea.

"Oh, No! The little girls in danger" I said from a nearby airplane.

Hayata arrives and says "I'm from the science patrol. Let me through."

"Okay" says the armed soldier.

Fuji and Hoshino race into the girls room where she is asleep. They see Ragon and his hand breaks through the window. Using the Beta Capsule, Hayata becomes Ultraman.

"It's Ultraman. My wish came true." I said. The battle began. Ultraman solar energy begins to blink rapidly. If it stops, ultraman will never rise again. Ultraman finishes off Ragon by firing off his ray from his hand. Ragon Died. Ultraman picked up the bomb and took the bomb to outerspace.

5 4 3 2 1 BAM

The End.

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