Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Godzilla 1985 vs ragans

I was a wiggler in Tokyo minding my own business. Suddenly I heard rrrrahhoorrr. I hid behind a building and saw Godzilla fighting the weirdest creature, Ragans. I watched as Godzilla fired his ray at Ragans, but Ragans deflected that attack with it's mirror. Then Godzilla finishes off Ragans by firing his atomic ray at Ragans causing an explosion. This knocked me down for a few seconds. Then I got back on my feet raging mad. I ran past godzilla knocking him down. Then he left, bird noises were calling him on Oshima island. There is an ice pit in mt. Mihara now. Godzilla fell into the crater on a button setting off some bombs creating a volcanic eruption. Then he screeched eeeeeeeahhrr and fell into the ice pit and was gone forever. The end

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